Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Video and Analysis: Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Transformation of Socio-economic and Geopolitical Life and Systems

"Mr. Global is using technology to move to a system where, between robotics, AI, and software, a few people can control the many with far less headaches and fear. You have to remember Mr. Global is very, very afraid of the general population." ~ Catherine Austin Fitts 

Author: Tracey Young. (Dec. 29, 2020). Video and Analysis: Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Transformation of Socio-economic and Geopolitical Life and Systems. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2020/12/video-catherine-austin-fitts-global.html.


The biggest global transformation we will ever experience in our lifetimes, which includes every aspect of our socio-economic and geopolitical lives and systems, is currently unfolding in most places on Gaia.

Below is a very important video interview with Catherine Austin Fitts who describes how COVID-19 is being used to achieve these socio-economic and geopolitical changes. 


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

Truth Matters. (Dec. 22, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1-0XKYAZII.

The Global Transformation Plan of Our Socio-Economic and Geopolitical Lives

There are key, inter-connected elements to the plan, and agenda, which have various names, such as the 'Great Reset' and the '4th Industrial Revolution.' These plans are all being orchestrated to work in tandem with each other by design from the ruthless, psychopathic global elites and technocrats that are attempting to transform all aspects of our lives for humans, and other species, on the planet. 

Some of the key strategic activities include the following:

➤ planned economic bankruptcy and the collapse of small and medium businesses

➤ designating some businesses and industries "essential," and others (and goods) "non-essential" leading to mass business closures

➤ mass loss of local and regional jobs; decreased work opportunities; more insecure work/lack of job security; and lower pay and income, accompanied by increased standard of living

➤ increasing dominance and profits for large corporations which are designated "essential," and allowed large numbers of customers (vs. restrictions and threats to small businesses)

➤ destabilizing communities, regions, and countries using various strategies, including covertly funding anti-social groups to disrupt and use intimidation and violence in local communities to break down social cohesion and order

➤ controlling and industrializing agriculture, threatening local food supply and security, as well as supply chains for goods and necessities

➤ end of cash and transformation to crypto/digital currencies

➤ wide scale behavioural and social monitoring, including biometrics, facial and voice recognition; and surveillance by authorities in private and public spaces (smartphones, computers, in-home, and environmental devices and cameras) 

➤ 24/7 control, monitoring, and surveillance by authorities 

➤ imposition of social credit and digital ID systems tied in with digital currencies which will be used for social control and targeting "undesirables" 

➤ neo-feudalist technocratic globalism run by those who seek to optimize their control, create "efficiencies," and determine the necessity, uses, and value of their resources: humans and robots 

➤ artificial intelligence (AI); biometric data collection; machine learning; nanotechnology; robotics; satellites; and transhumanism

➤ mass control, enslavement, and exploitation of the people who are not lost to planned de-population events and mechanisms

Institutional Control & Transformation Systems

Mind control, and control system pillars work to create and maintain the enslavement of the masses for the elites/oligarchs, and technocrats, who have designed and created the systems, including:

■ Financial: Central bank/bankers; transitioning countries from cash to digital currencies

■ Health: 'Weaponization' and 'criminalization' of health via government actors; using COVID-19 (and new strains) to assume full control and dominance of peoples' lives; testing and vaccines as health/social currency for having "more freedoms" to participate in society (Ie. travel, move from place to place)

■ Media: Used to spread dis/misinformation and propaganda used for brain washing and mind control (psychological abuse and warfare)

■ Military: Various branches running different operations, including assisting with the "roll out" of vaccinations around the country. Some government and military organizations are also running psychological operations units used to monitor, manipulate, and keep surveillance on citizens 

■ Pharmaceutical corporations: Manufacturing vaccines which contain control mechanisms (nanotech) that are used via technology 

■ Political parties: Bankrupting businesses, cities, regions, and countries; stripping citizens of constitutional rights under the guise of COVID-19; destroying local economies, communities, and education systems through business and school closures; and 'weaponizing' public health against citizens

■ Technology: Telecommunications, space; and technology (Smartphones, computers, 5G+; cloud-based storage; satellites; nanotechnology)

Industrial Revolutions Through the Ages

                                                 © Vectimus/Shutterstock.com

As the graphic above shows, and history tells us, humans have been through various industrial revolutions and geopolitical socio-economic changes throughout millennia. Many of us may not have been aware of the "invisible hand" forcefully pushing us all along, herding us in the directions they wished for us to go -- to their exclusive benefits and supporting the privilege of societal elites.  


The Great Reset and 4th Industrial Revolution plans and agendas are not carved in stone. Citizens, working together, in collaboration and communities, across regions and nations, as true global citizens, can stop these psychopathic and amoral despots and tyrants. There are far more of us than there are of them. 

A new Great Awakening is happening worldwide. This is less of a religious nature than a secular waking up to the world of illusion we've been embedded in. People are becoming more aware, informed and indignant at the lies of our political and government "leaders." Many are rejecting and rising up against our socio-economic enslavement, and the power-mongering, exploitation and harm to the public interest these repellent creatures have been engaging in for far too long. 

'The personal is political' has long been a mantra that has galvanized many into taking action by using various strategies for advocacy, and to work for social change and justice. Millions of us are now awakening from our slumber around the world. We are realizing we must become more informed and use what we're learning to take action. 

This is part of the work I am doing -- providing people with information, resources, and tools to work for social change, to counter the future that unelected, ruthless psychopathic and morally deranged individuals believe they are entitled to force upon us all. 

Working together, individually, collectively, and in our local and global communities these global elites and technocrats do not stand a chance. They should be afraid, very, very afraid, as Ms. Austin Fitts tells us they are. They have awoken the Sleeping Giants of human kind. Prepare for us -- we are coming for you. The People United Can Never Be Defeated!


Schwab, K. (2018). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. BritannicaRetrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Fourth-Industrial-Revolution-2119734.

World Economic Forum. The Great Reset: Strategic Intelligence. Retrieved from: https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1G0X000006OLciUAG?tab=publications

World Economic Forum. Strategic Intelligence: Highlights and All Insight Areas. Retrieved from: https://intelligence.weforum.org/.

© 2020 Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Great Reset: Revisiting the "Leaked Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) Letter"

On October 14th, 2020, an email that was supposed to have been a leaked from the federal Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) started making the rounds. Its anyone's guess whether it was disinformation, or a real leak. However, the Canadian timeline of 2020 has been following this almost to the letter. 

Fw: LPC Strategic Committee 

<LPC_leaker@protonmail.com>1:47 PM (7 hours ago)

Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:38 PM, REMOVED <REMOVED> wrote:


I want to provide you some very important information. I’m a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).

I need to start off by saying that I’m not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes.

The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:

– Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.
– Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.
– Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.
– Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 – early January 2021 

[Ed. Where we are in late December 2020]. 

– Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.
– Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.

[Ed. The "new mutation" or "new coronavirus strain" seems to be ahead of schedule. Several "cases" have already been announced in Canada over the Christmas holidays in late December 2020. 

There is no indication of when Health Canada, BC, or Ontario governments developed and validated a brand new test to test for this "new strain" that is about 2 weeks old, and all of the organizations responsible for these things are all shut down for the holidays]. 

– Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.
– Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.
– Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.
– Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.
– Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.

Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians. What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief.

This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program. In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. 

The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down(through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) .

Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told “the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details”. Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. 

Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate. When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed before. In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not. That it won't just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it.

All I know is that I don’t like it and I think its going to place Canadians into a dark future.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

COVID19 Vaccine Update for Pfizer-BioNTech - 5,052 'Health Impact Events' in the first 5 days of administration in the US

CDC. (Dec. 19, 2020). 

The ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided a very important update and presentation, 'Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA #COVID19 Vaccine Receipt' on December 19th, 2020. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Dec. 19, 2020). Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA #COVID19 Vaccine Receipt. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2020-12/slides-12-19/05-COVID-CLARK.pdf

These are key findings they reported out on:

5,052 'Health Impact Events' from Dec. 14th - Dec. 18th - The first 5 days of administration of the #PfizerBioNTech vaccine in the #UnitedStates. 

2% of the people who received the 215,362 doses experienced Health Impact Events.

Health Impact Events is defined by the CDC as "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.

6 confirmed anaphylaxis cases have occurred across different US states. (Ed. There may be additional ones that were not included from reports I have seen elsewhere).

Caution: "Persons with anaphylaxis following COVID-19 vaccination should not receive additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine"

837 women who were pregnant received the vaccine. (Ed: It was never tested on pregnant women).

Update from Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada

▶️ Note: Dr. Theresa Tam, the head of #PublicHealthAgencyofCanada, admitted in a video update that #Canada has not set up ANY monitoring, or reporting system, and is not tracking, or researching what is still considered an experimental vaccine that is still being researched in many other countries.

➡ She stated, the federal government is relying upon the provinces/territories to report Adverse Outcomes to them.

➡ You can see the full Dec. 18th, 2020 update and questions here: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1lPJqXWjreEGb

My Analysis

My analysis remains the same -- there has been inadequate short-term and longitudinal research into the full range of safety, health, and well being impacts from the #COVIDvaccines in Canada. 

➡ All of the COVID19 vaccines are still in experimental and in research phases in different countries. Canada does not appear to take this perspective and is not doing any research on the short or long-term health impacts of any of the vaccines they have approved. 

➡ It is my position that this violates the Nuremberg Code which requires individuals who are participating in experimental research to provide #InformedConsent prior to agreeing to participate.

The Canadian government has confirmed that the contracts they have signed with the vaccine corporations have given them full legal indemnification. This means they cannot be held legally accountable, or liable, and cannot be sued, in the event of serious adverse health outcomes, disability, or death associated with receiving any of the COVID vaccines that have been approved by the federal government in Canada. 

Mac Sweeney, C. and Nassar, H.M. (Dec. 14, 2020). COVID-19 vaccine makers not legally liable in Canada for rare side effects. News1130. Retrieved from: https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/12/14/covid-19-vaccine-legal-liability

The #Canadian government has not made details of the National Vaccination Compensation program available to Canadians because they just invented this out of thin air in mid-December 2020.

Government of Canada. (Dec. 10, 2020). Government of Canada Announces Pan-Canadian Vaccine Injury Support Program. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-pan-canadian-vaccine-injury-support-program.html.

"Like any medication, vaccines can cause side effects and reactions. After being vaccinated, it's common to have mild and harmless side effects — this is the body's natural response, as it's working to build immunity against a disease. However, it is also possible for someone to have a serious adverse reaction to a vaccine. The chances of this are extremely rare — less than one in a million — and we have a duty to help if this occurs.

It is for this reason that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is implementing a pan-Canadian no-fault vaccine injury support program for all Health Canada approved vaccines, in collaboration with provinces and territories. Building on the model in place in Québec for over 30 years, the program will ensure that all Canadians have to have fair access to support in the rare event that they experience an adverse reaction to a vaccine. This program will also bring Canada in line with its G7 counterparts with similar programs, and ensure the country remains competitive in accessing new vaccines as they become available."

Monday, December 21, 2020

Law Enforcement in Canada - Part 2 - Ontario Police Letter Calling for A Moratorium on Enforcing Public Health By Laws Until Charter Issues Are Clarified


On December 21st, 2020 A Letter Reported to be From Ontario Law Enforcement Officers entered the public domain with the following message:  

"We are a group of concerned retired and active duty peace officers looking to see the end of unconstitutional public health orders. Read our initial letter."

Below is the full text of the letter to preserve and protect it.

Citizens of Ontario, Ontario’s Chiefs of Police, Police Associations, Premier of Ontario, Ministry of Attorney General, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Municipal Politicians, Public Health Officials

21st December 2020

I am a Police Officer and know many other officers that support the following message.

After the unfortunate events in Calgary, the time for action is now. I have serious concerns over Premier Ford's decision to expand further restrictions that put law enforcement officers in an untenable situation that must be avoided.

For 10 months public officials and bureaucrats have been operating with arbitrary emergency powers that often violate the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Everyday Premier Ford, Mayor Tory, and politically appointed bureaucrats are on television, radio, and in the newspapers, calling on Ontarians to slowly allow civil liberties to be taken away.

What I have seldom seen is any comment by those in positions of Law Enforcement and the Judicial System addressing the lawfulness of these measures, or on the grave consequences they create.

I am calling on the following stakeholders to immediately meet independently from Politicians and Bureaucrats: the Ontario Chiefs of Police, Police Associations, members of the Ministry of the Attorney General including Crown Attorneys, Judges, Justices of the Peace, and Constitutional lawyers.

Please collaborate and deliver clear and concise direction to the men and women in law enforcement. Until this happens, a moratorium needs to be declared on the enforcement of public health orders by peace officers. 10 months has been far too long for this not to have happened.  

Are police officers supposed to uphold the Charter which they have taken an oath to protect? Or do Municipal By Laws now supersede the Constitution?

At a time when the public trust in police has nearly eroded beyond repair this is of paramount importance. The citizens of Ontario deserve transparency from the officials they have elected as well as from the police that are sworn to serve and protect. This is not an unreasonable request.

What happened in Calgary cannot happen again. Never in my life did I think I would see police officers threatening to Taser and arrest kids playing pond hockey.


Police on Guard for Thee

Will you stand? 


Freedom of Conscience

Sec. 2 (a), one of the Fundamental Freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides that “everyone has the right of freedom of conscience and religion.” This is inalienable. 

"Freedom of conscience in a democratic society is said to be the “freedom to have, hold and act upon (or not) one’s conscientiously-held beliefs” (Greg Peters, 2001).

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines freedom of conscience:

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this includes the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.


Government of Canada/Department of Justice. Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html.

Peters, G. (2001).  “Nurturing the Spirit of Democracy: Freedom of Conscience.” University of New Brunswick. Retrieved from: http://www.unb.ca/democracy/English/Ideas/Freedoms/Conscience/conscience%20paper.pdf.

Secretary. (2012). Freedom of Conscience – What it Means for Canadians. Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties AssociationRetrieved from:  http://www.rmcla.ca/blog/?p=252.


Interviews with Vincent Gircys

[Editor Note: Blogger wouldn't let me embed the videos into this post, so click on the links provided.

When Officers Start Speaking Out, Its Time to Listen Canada

Stand Up Canada. (Dec. 4, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdKtEdI8Sb4&feature=emb_logo.

An Oath to Canada & Canadians Retired OPP Officer Vince Gircys Joins Us

Canada First With the Grizzly Patriot. (Dec. 1, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZeaqcIctL8


#Ontario #Ontariopolice #Canada #Canadianpolice #Lawenforcement #cdnpoli #onpoli #COVID19 #COVID19Canada

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Letter to the Editor: 'It’s starting to smell like Germany in the 1930s'

‘Suddenly no one dies from old age or the flu, it’s all just COVID?’

Mario C. Alleckna. (Dec. 18, 2020). Chilliwack Standard. Retrieved from: https://www.theprogress.com/opinion/letter-its-starting-to-smell-like-germany-in-the-1930s/.

The latest COVID-fuelled restrictions are going too far! No family coming over for Christmas dinner? What next? No couples sleeping in the same room of their homes?

Going to the mall or Walmart, there are crowds of people, but we can’t have our adult kids over for a little Christmas celebration?

In Manitoba, an outdoor church was heavily fined for having parishioners sitting in their cars in a parking lot and watching a preacher on a screen.

Something is getting very smelly, like Germany in the 1930s.

Are we really to think that the billionaires of this world, who own the Walmarts and the malls, will not have any Christmas parties?

RELATED: Chilliwack churches fined $18,400 for violating public health orders

RELATED: OPINION: On individual rights versus community health

Remember the governor of California, recently photographed in a restaurant with eight people at his table? Meanwhile he was telling common, tax-paying sheep that if they would get together, heavy fines and even jail time was to be expected.

Time to wake up people! And whatever happened to our flu-season? Suddenly no one dies from old age or the flu, it’s all just COVID?

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

For over 10 months now we have tried killing this virus with disinfectants everywhere, which, by the way kills our immune system, with wearing masks, social distancing and lockdowns.

Is it working? Obviously not! There are many highly qualified medical doctors who promote a very different approach in fighting this major flu.

Perhaps it is time to stop the insanity and try their way of dealing with the coronavirus!

Mario C. Alleckna


Friday, December 18, 2020

Law Enforcement in Canada: Conscientious Objections to COVID-19 Measures, Orders, and Violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

"Without those rights -- we fall. We fall as a country. We fall as a people. We will no longer be what we are. That is paramount." - Vincent Gircys


Vincent Gircys, a retired police officer from the Ontario Provincial Police, with 32 years of exemplary service, has spoken up. He has inspired many by his open support for the constitutional and human rights of Canadians during the state-sponsored COVID crisis.  

He was filmed at Adamson BBQ making a short, but impactful, and impassioned speech. He is encouraging Canadian police officers to stand up and protect the Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms with, and for Canadians. 

Video of Vincent Gircys at Adamson BBQ

Source: https://twitter.com/CrasTalk/status/1331775475975417856

Retired OPP officer visits Adamson BBQ and has a message for law enforcement to uphold the constitution and human rights of Canadians.

Freedom of Conscience

Sec. 2 (a), one of the Fundamental Freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides that “everyone has the right of freedom of conscience and religion.” This is inalienable. 

"Freedom of conscience in a democratic society is said to be the “freedom to have, hold and act upon (or not) one’s conscientiously-held beliefs” (Greg Peters, 2001).

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines freedom of conscience:

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this includes the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.


Government of Canada/Department of Justice. Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsRetrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html.

Peters, G. (2001).  “Nurturing the Spirit of Democracy: Freedom of Conscience.” University of New Brunswick. Retrieved from: http://www.unb.ca/democracy/English/Ideas/Freedoms/Conscience/conscience%20paper.pdf.

Secretary. (2012). Freedom of Conscience – What it Means for Canadians. Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties AssociationRetrieved from:  http://www.rmcla.ca/blog/?p=252.

Interviews with Vincent Gircys

[Editor Note: Blogger wouldn't let me embed the videos into this post, so click on the links provided.

When Officers Start Speaking Out, Its Time to Listen Canada

Stand Up Canada. (Dec. 4, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdKtEdI8Sb4&feature=emb_logo.

An Oath to Canada & Canadians Retired OPP Officer Vince Gircys Joins Us

Canada First With the Grizzly Patriot. (Dec. 1, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZeaqcIctL8


Laval police officer resigns after posting the pandemic doesn't exist

Maxime Ouimet, a 12-year veteran of the force, saw his Terrebonne business firebombed hours after one of his Facebook posts.

Cherry, P. (Oct. 10, 2020). Montreal Gazette. Retrieved from: https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/laval-police-officer-resigns-after-posting-the-pandemic-doesnt-exist.

A Laval police officer has resigned from the force after posting comments on social media denying the existence of the pandemic and calling Premier François Legault a dictator.

Maxime Ouimet, a 12-year veteran, resigned on Friday, Laval police confirmed to the Montreal Gazette on Saturday.

Earlier in the week, the Journal de Montréal revealed Ouimet had been assigned to desk duty following his controversial posts.

In one, he wrote he would never “destroy” a person’s life by issuing a ticket for not respecting public health regulations aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19.

“I took him off the road in an urgent way,” Laval police Chief Pierre Brochet told the Journal de Montréal, adding Ouimet had been assigned to desk duty and was the subject of an internal investigation.

Among other things, Ouimet wrote he had been working “since the beginning of the crisis and there is no pandemic.”

He claimed wearing masks was pointless, and that “emergency rooms are empty.”

“I have been a police officer for 12 years to help, serve and protect the people. I will no longer be a tool of the government to satisfy and establish its dictator,” he posted in French on Tuesday.

“I say no to Premier François Legault. What you are doing is illegal and unconstitutional.”

The Facebook page — titled Policier du peuple pour le peuple (A police officer of the people for the people) — includes a photo of Ouimet wearing his police uniform.

On Thursday, he wrote that his badge “will leave me tomorrow.”

“I can swear to you that 75 per cent of police officers in Quebec have a heart of gold like me. They are formidable colleagues who really put their lives and mental health in peril for citizens every day.

Hours after Ouimet posted that message, a business he owns in Terrebonne —  Académie Beauté Maudite on Des Entreprises Blvd. — was firebombed.

When firefighters arrived, they noticed the salon’s window had been broken. The building’s sprinkler system had been set off and the fire was extinguished.

No one has been arrested in connection with the firebombing that took place sometime after 11 p.m. on Thursday.

Ouimet later confirmed, on a different Facebook page, that someone had tossed a Molotov cocktail inside his salon. He reported his business was heavily damaged by water, and he expressed dismay that his 12 employees would be out of work for weeks.

Ouimet did not reply to a request for an interview.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

SARS-CoV-2: Rimmer Op-ed: Canada's current pandemic response isn't supported by the facts

           3D Animation: SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission leading to COVID-19
Nuclear Medical Media. (April 8, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSnSo9kYlH4.

Canada's current pandemic response isn't supported by the facts 

Author: Dr. Claus Rinner. (Dec. 14, 2020. Toronto Sun. Retrieved from: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-canadas-current-pandemic-response-isnt-supported-by-the-facts

A few weeks ago, British philosophers Ian James Kidd and Matthew Ratcliffe wrote about “Covidworld, our new altered reality where accepted norms do not apply.” They note how the entire planet is captivated by COVID-19 as the one and only issue of importance. And they describe the “enormous and wide-ranging collateral damage caused by lockdowns and other measures.” Like many critics of the ongoing tunnel vision on SARS-CoV-2, I am concerned about the lack of proportion in our collective response and allege that this response is not backed by the facts about the pandemic.

Responding to questions raised in a Toronto Sun column, Ontario Minister of Long-Term Care Merrilee Fullerton confirmed in October that the COVID-19 death toll in LTC homes was comparable to that of the 2017/18 flu season. In order to detract from this remarkable admission, she added: “But I don’t want to talk about numbers, you know, it is about people.” 

The Minister shows sensitivity and compassion, and we all wish that our parents and grandparents live long, healthy lives. But individual fate cannot be the basis for public policy. We do not make decisions based on the loudest voices or the most touching stories. We make important societal decisions on the basis of data and their scientific interpretation

Unfortunately, there are major issues with the COVID-19 data –bad enough for world-renowned epidemiologist and statistician John Ioannidis to call SARS-CoV-2 a “once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.” For example, we still do not know how many Canadians die from the virus as opposed to those dying from other causes but with a positive test.

Why are the media not reporting that most COVID-19 victims (90% according to Statistics Canada) are already vulnerable from pre-existing diseases? We also do not know, or are not told, how many hospitalizations occur due to serious cases of COVID-19 rather than other unrelated illness, where the patient just tests positive upon admission or gets infected in hospital.

The publicly available COVID-19 statistics currently rely on the PCR test, which may be unsuitable for monitoring key trends in the pandemic. The inventor of the PCR procedure, Kary Mullis, has stated on record that the test can be used to “find almost anything in anyone.” The test detects genetic material of the virus in a person but cannot determine whether a person is ill or infectious. The state of Florida has now mandated that laboratories specify the cycle threshold count for positive test results, a measure that correlates with infectiousness. How much longer will it take our provincial governments to develop an approach to analyze and report these data?

In addition to collecting accurate and meaningful data, we also need to correctly interpret them. If we hear that hospitals are filling up, let’s ask how this compares with the last flu season. If we are warned of possible long-term effects of COVID-19, let’s investigate how they compare to the long-term effects of other respiratory diseases. We cannot afford to exclusively focus on the coronavirus while ignoring all other problems. At this point, common sense alone should tell us that the collateral damage that the pandemic response inflicts on our physical and mental health will be far greater than the harm from SARS-CoV-2.

In defending a medical doctor’s professional right and responsibility to “independently evaluate … prevailing health practices,“ the Ontario Civil Liberties Association emphasizes that even in a crisis “we must … consider a diversity of competing views.” They also decry the unprecedented, “sweeping draconian public health measures,” which, I am afraid, are pushing us closer towards Aldous Huxley’s dystopia “Brave New World”, or worse, the surveillance state of George Orwell’s “1984”. 

Let’s quit the mass hysteria around COVID-19, follow long-established hygiene and healthy living guidelines, focus protective measures on vulnerable groups, and restore everyone’s right to live a normal life.

Monday, December 14, 2020

#COVIDVaccine #PfizerBioNTech Information and Warnings about the New Vaccines: Updated Clinical Guidelines, Adverse Events, and Side Effects

Video: Doctors Around the World Issue Dire Warning: Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine!

Health Impacts News (Dec. 8, 2020). Bitchute. Retrieved from: https://www.bitchute.com/video/H9GyqoPMvfRa.

1- #UK #NHS #MHRA Updated #COVIDvaccine clinical guidelines for #PfizerBioNtech vaccine:

1. Any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction... #InformedConsent

2- "... or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline autoinjector) should not receive the #PfizerBioNtech vaccine." #COVIDvaccine #InformedConsent 
3 - 2. "Resuscitation facilities should be available at all times for all vaccinations. Vaccination should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available." #PfizerBioNtech vaccine." #COVIDvaccine #InformedConsent gponline.com/mhra-warning-a…
4 - @GovCanHealth: "The vaccine efficacy of #PfizerBioNTech #COVID19 Vaccine was demonstrated in a still ongoing Phase 3 randomized, placebo controlled study (Study C4591001)." #Canada #NurembergCode covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/regulator…
5-@GovCanHealth "One limitation of the data at this time is the lack of information on the long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine." #PfizerBioNTech #COVID19 #COVIDvaccine #InformedConsent #vaccinesafety #healthsovereignty #Canada ðŸ‡¨ðŸ‡¦ 
6 - @GovCanHealth "There were no safety signals identified and no life-threatening AEs and death related to the vaccine." Fact: 2 known deaths in study group who received, 21 adverse outcomes, inc anaphylaxis (#FDA). #PfizerBioNTech #COVIDvaccine #InformedConsent #NurembergCodeImage
9-➡️1% of #Canadians have been diagnosed w #COVID19 Dec 14th @GovCanHealth:
➡️3.6% + rate for 12+ million #Canadians tested
➡️5.7% hospitalization rate in 11+ months
➡️.2% Active cases in #Cdn pop #Canada
➡️.04% of #Cdn pop have died; 97% > 60 w pre-existing health conditions

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