Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Analysis Part 1: Are Governments in Canada Ushering in a 21st Century Aktion T4 Program: Social Exclusion, Persecution, and Targeting People with Disabilities?


Author: Tracey Young. (September 28, 2021). Analysis Part 1: Are Governments in Canada Ushering in a 21st Century Aktion T4 Program: Social Exclusion, Persecution, and Targeting of People with Disabilities? Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/09/analysis-part-1-are-governments-in.html.

Disclaimer: I feel compelled to provide a trigger warning for this article, because some of what I will cover may be very shocking and distressing to some people. I refuse to refer to the T4 Program using the euphemism of "euthanasia," which is how it is described in many of the records that now exist. We must not soften what this Nazi program entailed – the intentional targeting, persecution, human experimentation, torture, and murder of thousands of children and adults with disabilities and health conditions by the Nazis. 


The early stages of the Nazi holocaust of the Third Reich carried out by Adolf Hitler, and his mass murdering minions does not appear to be widely known about. Sadly, as the old saying goes, "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The quote, attributed to American philosopher George Santayana, reveals an astute and prescient thinker. Because there is so much to cover, I will be breaking down the content into three parts. 

In Part 1, I present the following: 

◼ The ideological and philosophical foundations of the Nazis and Adolph Hitler's obsession with eugenics, which included his ideas of "genetic and racial purity" 

◼ Information about the Aktion T4 Program that was used to commit Crimes Against Humanity and genocide of people with disabilities and health conditions 

◼ Ideology in action: How the T4 Program worked to target, exclude, persecute, and remove people with developmental, mental health and physical disabilities from participation in society under the Nazi regime

◼ The Doctors, and Nurses of T4: The Instrumental Role of Health Care Professionals in Eugenics, Torture, and Murder of people with disabilities

◼ How T4 was used to conduct human experimentation, torture, and murder the first group and class of people to be sent to the gas chambers by the Nazis -- people with disabilities and those who were not view as economically productive members of society

Eugenics: Genetic and Racial Purity as Government, Social and Public Health Policy under the Nazis

The ideological and philosophical foundation of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party  was that of eugenics, which dictated the healthiest, fittest, and most "racially" pure should be allowed to have children to pass on their genes, and to live. 

The core belief of eugenics was that human populations could be improved by "purifying" their genetic make-up. This included the removal of "unhealthy" or ‘undesirable’ genetic elements, such as disability. Eugenics-based policies and human rights atrocities such as the sterilization of Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, and others have been carried out in Canada, the United States, Australia, France, Sweden, and Japan prior to, and after the Nazis made this state policy (Llewellyn et al., 2020).   

Hitler and his regime were obsessed with eugenics and "purity," which took various forms. "Racial purity," was idealized as those who had Aryan features -- blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin. Nazi racial policies divided people into those who were considered "racially pure" and who could prove this "Aryan purity" through state-certified Aryan certificates and papers which "proved" their lineage going back several generations. This is where the infamous, "your papers, please" is said to have begun. 


Credit 2: Jens Liebenau (2008). Geneological table for evidence of Aryan ancestry for five generations, used for Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust (persecution of Jews)

The Aktion T4 Program: Eugenics, Crimes Against Humanity and The Genocide of People with Disabilities & Health Conditions

Llewellyn et al. (2020) wrote: 

"Nazi theorists saw German society as a sick organism, its bloodstream contaminated by degenerate and undesirable elements. Among those ‘contaminating’ Germany were the racially impure, physically disabled, mentally infirm, the criminally minded and the sexually aberrant.

The Nazis believed the state should intervene to improve the health of German society. The first step was to identify its contaminating elements, the second to restrict their growth, the third to eliminate them. This required difficult and unpalatable policies, which the Nazis justified with eugenics theories and references to social Darwinism (the ‘survival of the fittest’)."

In 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, he created the first eugenics-based policy, the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily-Diseased Offspring. This policy "required German doctors to register all genetically-related illnesses or defects in all patients other than women over 45.

Examples of reportable problems were mental retardation, schizophrenia, manic-depression, blindness and deafness, or other severe physical deformities. Even chronic alcoholism could be considered a genetic disorder, at the doctor’s discretion.

This law also set up ‘hereditary health courts’ comprised of two physicians and a lawyer. These courts examined individual cases and ruled whether patients should be “rendered incapable of procreation” (surgically sterilised)."

Over 200, 000 "useless feeders" were sterilized by the Nazi regime in the first three years of the program. "The vast majority of sterilised patients were suffering from mental illness or deformity. Of the patients sterilised in 1934, 53 per cent were intellectually disabled or ‘feeble-minded’, 25 per cent schizophrenics and 14 per cent epileptics. In total, the Nazi ‘health courts’ approved the forced sterilisation of more than 300,000 people between 1934 and 1945" (Llewellyn et al.).

"In October 1935, a month after the passing of the Nuremberg Laws, the Nazis introduced the Law for the Protection of the Genetic Health of the German People." The goal and objective of these policies were to facilitate the "Nazi bureaucracy to collect a considerable amount of information about the racial and genetic make-up of its citizens. Its long-term plan was to compile a racial and genetic blueprint of the entire nation." (Llewellyn et al.).

Aktion T4 Program

In September 1939 the Aktion T4 Program was put in place with the signing of a memo by Hitler. This was the initial genocide program that was used by the Nazis. 

This program included the following elements: 

It targeted and persecuted the most vulnerable, marginalized, and often "invisible people" in society. This included infants and adults who were confined to facilities due to developmental disabilities, mental, physical, and "invisible" disabilities, and chronic health conditions. 

T4 also targeted and persecuted those who were not seen as economically "productive." Nazi propaganda used persecutory terms, such as people living “burdensome lives” and being “useless eaters.”

➤ Specially-appointed doctors were assigned to identify and assess “incurable” patients who were "eligible" for  a "mercy death" post-diagnosis.

➤ The goals and objectives of emptying hospitals and freeing up resources by killing the mentally disabled.

➤ Inferiority and impurity were also ascribed to those who experienced "incurable" disabilities, because they were seen as genetically "impure." 

Families were convinced and manipulated by the Nazis that relinquishing their loved ones would offer them "protection and safety," and it was "in their best interests." "It's for your safety" became a key propaganda term. Of course, nothing could have been further from the truth. 

Ideology in Action: Strategic Activities and Fact Patterns of the T4 Program Carried Out By Key Actors

The ideological foundations and key fact patterns of the Aktion T4 program included the following: 

The creation and use of influential, "trusted" state leaders communicating with the public to "normalize" state policies, laws, principles, and propaganda to publicly advance discrimination, oppression, persecution, and carrying out the different aspects of the CAH and genocide plans for each targeted group. 

Extensive use of state media and propaganda to communicate, normalize and socialize citizens to encourage and support discrimination, persecution, oppression, and the targeting of the disabled. The Nazis created "a vigorous propaganda campaign to prepare the public and lessen sympathy for its victims. Posters depicted cripples and lunatics as burdens on their family and a drain on the state. They took up valuable resources...Each disabled person, Nazi posters claimed, cost the state 60,000 Reichmarks, a burden carried by the German taxpayer.

➤ This propaganda was ubiquitous and appeared everywhere, including in childrens' school lessons. These messages powerfully conveyed persecution and eugenics-driven hatred and loathing of people with disabilities of having 'a life unworthy of life' and of being 'useless feeders.' (Ausmed). 

Once these discriminatory and hateful beliefs were well established, "good people," Ie. Good Nazis, and those "faithful and loyal" to the regime, would ignore the atrocities occurring. Later, many would go on to report their neighbours to the authorities. Turning away from the crimes against humanity and genocide taking place -- even in their own backyards in the hospitals where T4 programs were operating.

Persecuting, removing, and excluding people with disabilities (PWD's) and health conditions (HC's) from participating in their communities and society under the guise of "protecting" and "keeping them safe." 

Institutionalizing and separating PWD's and HC's from their families where they had no way to escape the atrocities the state carried out toward them. 

Isolating, alienating, and preventing PWD's and HC's from having contact with loved ones and the outside world once admitted to facilities. And, preventing family members from being able to have contact with them. 

The participation of doctors, nurses, and scientists, and use of their professional and societal status to abuse, experiment on, torture, and mass murder PWD's and HC's for years. This will be discussed more below. 

Using PWD's and HC's for human experimentation and torturing them in the names of "medicine" and "science." 

Abusing, harming, and murdering PWD's and HC's in various ways, including through the use of intentional starvation, vaccines and gas chambers. 

Videos on the Aktion T4 Programs Mass Murder of People with Disabilities & Health Conditions

Aktion T4 Introduction 

Aktion T4. (2014). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zBVVpCdASk

Note: Blogger will not allow me to embed this video in this post. All other videos for this presenter have been removed from Youtube. 

Hitler's Secret Nazi Program that killed thousands of disabled people

Rome Reports in English. Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIjZ7Hbi7Y.

Note: Blogger will not allow me to embed this video in this post.

Aktion T4 | Wikipedia audio article

Subhajit Sahu (Dec. 5, 2018). Youtube. Retrieved on Sept. 26, 2021 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8K9he3s9vE

T4 Program of Human Experimentation, Torture, and Mass Murder of People with Disabilities 

    Credit: Nursing staff at Hadamar Euthanasia Center (Alchetron, CC BY-SA3.0).  

The Doctors, and Nurses of T4: The Instrumental Role of Health Care Professionals in Eugenics, Torture, and Murder 

Doctors and nurses were central and instrumental to the eugenics, human experimentation, torture, and mass murder of PWD's under the Aktion T4 program. 

With their zeal for creating organizational systems that were efficient, standardized, and well organized, the T4 Program enabled the Nazi regime to systematize the clinical assessment, identification, and decision-making process of which individuals amongst those with disabilities and health conditions would be allowed to live, and those who would be selected to be experimented on, tortured, and murdered. 

Nurses and doctors, like all other German citizens, were bombarded with eugenics-related hate-fueled and persecutory propaganda. They too came to internalize the beliefs that people with disabilities were burdens on society. Many came to also believe that Germany would be a better place without PWD's -- the justification for carrying out these murderous policies. Nurses who participated in the Aktion T4 Program did so willingly and voluntarily. Those who did not agree with these policies, and those who did not want to participate in this "nursing work" were moved into other areas of work (Ausmed). 

How Aktion T4 was Used to Conduct Human Experimentation, Torture, and Murder People with Disabilities

Torture is defined in the following ways: 

1. the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure

2. something that causes agony or pain

3. anguish of body or mind (Merriam-Webster). 

The Aktion T4 Process of Torture and Murder

Doctors in the community were required under the law to refer patients with disabilities to the specially-designated doctors who would complete standardized assessment questionnaires to identify which patients they decided should live or die. 

While doctors selected the patients who would be die, nurses killed the patients in in the following ways:

➤ Giving them lethal injections of intravenous drugs, such as phenobarbitone.

➤ Placing them on a “hunger diet” where patients would be starved to death.

➤ Torturing them by exposing patients to hypothermia so they would die from exposure (Ausmed). 

Non-Consenting Human Experimentation on PWD's

Human Experimentation was also part of of the grisly, sadistic, and gross mistreatment PWD's and others' were subjected to by Nazi doctors, scientists, and nurses. These were some of the Nazi experiments that were conducted on people with disabilities:

  • Subjecting child and adult victims to electric shocks and burns in order to examine the wounds inflicted on human skin by burns and electrocution

  • Starvation and "hunger diets as noted above 

  • "Cold experiments," which included exposing victims to cold conditions, such as forcibly submersing them in cold water, and studying the effects of hypothermia on their bodies, including how long it took to die 

  • Experiments involving exposure to toxic nerve agents and chemical gases which were used to kill people in the gas chambers

  • Other experiments included the injection of chemicals into different areas of victims' bodies and the injection of known pathogens and diseases

It may seem obvious that victims were "non-consenting" to the torture and experiments that they were used as test subjects for, but this specific issue -- consent is one of the most important things that arose out of the atrocities committed by the Nazis -- the right to Informed Consent regarding participation in research, or experiments conducted with human beings. 

This is what led to the Nuremberg Code, which was drafted in response to the testimony heard at the Nuremberg Trials about cruel and inhumane human experimentation, torture and murders committed by the Nazis in the name of "scientific research" and "medicine.". A simple presentation of the principles of the Code is presented below. 

The Nuremberg Code came to be embodied in Informed Consent laws, principles, professional ethics, and bioethics created in Canada, and elsewhere. These enduring laws and ethical principles are related to health care decision-making, consent, and non-consent, and the right to autonomy and self-determination in the participation in medical and health interventions, measures, and treatments. 

Video: Caring Corrupted -- The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich

Cizik School of Nursing. (Feb. 24, 2017). Youtube. Retrieved on Sept. 26, 2021 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws.

Note: Blogger will not allow me to embed this video in this post. 

Video: Disability Awareness Month: The Nazis' Nameless Victims

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (Oct. 30, 2020. Youtube. Retrieved on Sept. 26, 2021 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvrwnJ6hQ9s.

Note: Blogger will not allow me to embed this video in this post.

VideoHistory of Nazi human experimentation, Medical experiments by Nazi physicians

Study IQ Education. (April 10, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHvSz16lcXs.

        Credit: Memorial to the Children Victims of the War, Lidice, Czech Republic 

Conclusion: It Didn't Start with Gas Chamber

Peeling off the layers of history, we are able to see the Nazi Holocaust that saw over 6 million Jewish people murdered also took the lives of millions of others. Some scholars estimate that between 10 and 17 million people were murdered by the Nazis (Historyplex).

Between 1940 and 1941, approximately 70,023 patients detained in six psychiatric facilities were murdered under the Aktion T4 Program (Berenbaum, 2001).

Berenbaum (2001) wrote:

"On August 24, 1941, almost two years after the T4 Program was initiated, it appeared to cease. In fact, it had gone underground and continued covertly during the war years. While the program claimed over 70,000 victims during its two years of open operation, the killing centres murdered even more victims between the official conclusion of the program and the fall of the Nazi regime in 1945. 

The total number killed under the T4 Program, including this covert phase, may have reached 200,000 or more. The official conclusion of the T4 Program in 1941 also coincided with the escalation of the Holocaust, the culmination of Nazi programs to eliminate those deemed an embarrassment to the “master race.”

An estimated 200,000 patients in psychiatric hospitals in Germany were murdered, albeit more covertly during World War II and after the closure of the T4 program in 1941. This was referred to as the “Wild Euthanasia,” in which medical professionals committed human experimentation and torture of psychiatric patients through starvation and intentional drug overdoses.

The Nazi regime found their human experimentation, torture, toxic gas experiments and gas chambers so “successful” in murdering people with disabilities, they decided to use the gas chambers for their ‘Final Solution’ – the murders of millions of others, including over 6 million Jewish people, and millions of others, including gay and lesbian people, and others in the death camps

In Part 2 of this series, I will present information about the oppression, persecution, and use of Indigenous peoples in Canada, the United States and Black people as non-consenting human experiments and victims of state-sponsored eugenics and torture programs whose roots clearly built on the Aktion T4 program of the Nazis.


Ausmed. The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich. Retrieved on Sept. 26th, 2021 from: https://www.ausmed.com/cpd/articles/killing-nurses-third-reich.

Berenbaum, M. (2001). T4 Program: Nazi policy. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved on September 28, 2021 from: https://www.britannica.com/event/T4-Program.

Elhassan, K. (2018). 10 Nazi War Criminals Who Escaped Justice Because They Were Useful to the US. History Collection. Retrieved on September 28, 2021 from: https://historycollection.com/10-nazi-war-criminals-who-escaped-justice-because-they-were-useful-to-the-us/3/.

Ghooi, R. B. (2011). The Nuremberg Code–A critique. Perspectives in Clinical Research, April-June 2011, Vol 2, (2): 72-76. Retrieved on September 28, 2021 from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3121268/pdf/PCR-2-72.pdf.

Historyplex. How many people died in the Holocaust: The Sad and Shocking Truth. Retrieved on September 28, 2021 from: https://historyplex.com/how-many-people-died-in-holocaust.

Llewellyn, J. Southey, J. and Thompson, S. (2020). Alpha History. Retrieved on September 27, 2021 from: https://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/nazi-eugenics/.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Eugenics. Retrieved on September 27, 2021 from: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/eugenics.

Wikipedia. Nazi Eugenics. Retrieved on September 27, 2021 from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#DutytoWarn #InformedConsent #SocialExclusion #Peoplewithdisabilities #PWD #Persecution #HumanExperimentation #Torture #TargetIndividuals #Nazis  #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Genocide #Holocaust #Canada #cdnpoli #CharterRights #NurembergCode #NurembergTrials #VaccinePassports #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, September 25, 2021


Author: Tracey Young. (September 25, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, September 25, 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/09/covid-19-vaccines-adverse-health_25.html.

This article presents the following: 

■ Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health reaction (AHR) statistics

■ United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ US VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ Link to Advocacy article: Informed Consent Questions for COVID-19 Vaccines for Personal Health and Employment


Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction Statistics Update, to September 7th, 2021

▶️16,090 AH

▶️4,288 Serious;11,802 Non-serious AH

▶️191 deaths; 858 cases of blood clots

▶️3,018 Special Interest AE’s; 774 myocarditis/pericarditis cases

▶️71% ⬆️ in COVID-19 cases (1,138,064) since vaccines started in Canada

Source: Government of Canada. Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada, up to Sept. 17, 2021. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/


United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card Reports for AstraZeneca; Pfizer; Moderna; Unspecified (Up to Sept. 15, 2021)


▶️Total Reactions for #COVID19vaccines: 1,204,555

▶️Total Fatal Outcomes: 1,662

▶️Total Reports: 363,676

▶️Miscarriages: 550; Testicular-related: 216

Source: Government of the United Kingdom (UK). (2021). Coronavirus vaccine – weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting. Retrieved from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting.


United States (US) VAERS COVID-19 Adverse Health Reactions, 726,963 ReportsThrough Sept. 17, 2021

▶️15386 Deaths; 20789 Disabled

▶️66642 Hospitalizations

▶️28168 Severe Allergic reactions

▶️7267 Heart attacks; 3231 Blood clots

▶️2122 Miscarriages

▶️6812 Myocarditis/Pericarditis; 8626 Bell’s Palsy

Source: Open VAERS. (2021). VAERS COVID Vaccine Data. Retrieved from: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data.


Learn more about Informed Consent

If you want to learn more about how to exercise Informed Consent, visit this article:   

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#healthsovereignty #womenshealth #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #AdverseHealthEvents #Canada #cdnpoli #DutytoWarn #InformedConsent #NurembergCode #Bioethics #Ethics #Nuremberg2

Monday, September 6, 2021

Labour Day 2021: Worker Rights in the Time of Mandatory Workplace Vaccinations


Author: Tracey Young. (Sept. 6, 2021). Labour Day 2021: Worker Rights in the Time of Mandatory Workplace Vaccinations. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety & Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/09/labour-day-2021-worker-rights-in-time.html 

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I am a Public Interest Advocate. I have extensive training and advocacy experience supporting workers in exercising their workplace rights, including rights to work in safe and healthy workplaces. 

Legal consultation: Due to the serious issues related to COVID-19 vaccines, please consider seeking legal consultation with an employment lawyer who can hear the specific details of your work situation and give you legal advice about what you can do in your unique situation. 

Access Pro Bono BC: You can apply for a FREE brief legal consultation at the link below in BC. 

Link: https://www.accessprobono.ca/

Pro Bono Canada: You can find other FREE legal resources in Canada at the link below. 

Link: https://probonocanada.org/


Labour Day 2021, occurring on September 6th, 2021, is a good day to provide workers with some information, tips, and resources about their rights with many employers beginning to implement mandatory workplace vaccinations with COVID-19 vaccines. I am heavily borrowing from previous articles I have published on these topics. 

Overview of what is presented in this article:

■  Workers Compensation Boards in Canada and COVID-19 vaccinations

■ Criminal Negligence and Liability for Employers: Criminals laws in Canada

■ Informed Consent Laws Being Violated by Employers: Potential Civil and Criminal Negligence

■ What To Do If Your Employer is Telling You that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Mandatory

■ Links to legal Notice of Liabilities you can give to employers who are coercing, or mandating workers to get vaccines

■ A link to an article about Informed Consent questions you should ask your employer BEFORE you get a COVID-19 vaccine

■ Questions to ask your Extended Health and Life Insurance policy holders

■ Documentation of Employment Matters Related to Vaccines

■ Videos: Mandatory Jab -- What Can You Do and Your Rights to Decline a Vaccine in the Context of Employment 

Workers Compensation Boards in Canada and COVID-19 vaccinations

Every province and territory in Canada has a Workers Compensation Board ("WCB"). Find your WCB by visiting the link below:

WCB's in Canada: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/information/wcb_canada.html

BEFORE workers get vaccines at work (including COVID-19 vaccines, but not limited to this), it is important to understand the following: 

➤ Search for "COVID-19 Vaccines" pages on the WCB website. Learn about how vaccine injuries are considered workplace injuries and the process for reporting and initiating vaccine injury workplace injury claims. 

➤ If I experience an Adverse Health reaction (AHR) to a vaccine, is this considered a workplace injury in my province/territory?  

➤ What are the steps I need to take to report AHR to my employer and the WCB? Has my employer outlined the steps for reporting AHR's post-vaccine? 

➤ What medical and other evidence will I need to apply for compensation for AHR-related workplace injuries and disabilites?

Do I have copies of employment policies, communications, and emails that communicate expectations for me to get a vaccine in my employment at home in a safe, secure place?

➤ Do I have a copy of the steps the employer has outlined for reporting workplace injury claims for AHR's, and how time and wage loss will be handled by the employer? 

How will I be paid for wage loss and health care benefits due to time taken off work to deal with AHR injury claims while the WCB and the employer investigate my vaccine injuries/AHR's?

Criminal Negligence and Liability for Employers: Criminals laws in Canada

➤ Canada has created criminal laws that can be used to file criminal complaints against negligent employers and supervisors who expose workers to unsafe workplace conditions through negligence. Sec. 217.1 states the following: 

Duty of persons directing work

 Every one who undertakes, or has the authority, to direct how another person does work or performs a task is under a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent bodily harm to that person, or any other person, arising from that work or task.


  • The employers of workers who become injured and/or die as a result of employer workplace negligence under workers' compensation legislation can have criminal complaints made about them with local law enforcement. 
  • The Canadian Department of Justice has created a page that has a number of important documents that discuss criminal negligence charges and the outcomes of specific cases in which employers have been successfully prosecuted under sec. 

Link: https://canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/westray/p3.html 

Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine-related Injuries in Canada, UK, US

  • There is already a great deal of government-generated Adverse Health reactions statistical data from COVID-19 vaccines for a case to be made that employers who are making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory, vaccines that remain in clinical trials and are experimental, are incurring potential criminal and legal liability. 
Visit my most recent article, COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, September 6, 2021, to see statistical data from these governments' that demonstrates there is already enough material evidence to suggest that mandating vaccines in employment contexts is an act of gross civil and potential criminal negligence for the health, safety and well-being of workers. 

Link:  https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/09/covid-19-vaccines-adverse-health.html

Informed Consent Laws Being Violated by Employers: Potential Civil and Criminal Negligence

➤ Any worker who is coerced into taking a COVID-19 vaccine, or any other vaccine to maintain their employment, or those who have been threatened with termination, is unable to provide true Informed Consent. This means workers' may have the ability to file civil lawsuits and criminal complaints against employers if they were to experience AHR's after taking a vaccine. This area of the law is going to be one of the most important to follow in the next few months. 

Video: Don't Talk TV Episode 57: Mandatory Jab -- What Can You Do?

Don't Talk TV. (Aug. 16, 2021). Youtube. Retrieved from: 

What To Do If Your Employer is Telling You that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Mandatory

➤ Consult an employment lawyer to find out what your legal rights are. 

➤ Speak with your Union (if you have one) to find out what your legal rights are. 

➤ Speak with your Family Doctor/GP about getting a medical exemption letter if you don't believe it is safe, or healthy for you to get the vaccine. 

➤ Contact this organization to set up an appointment to get a Letter of  Exemption for Masks and Vaccines for a FEE. Link: https://enableair.com/form

➤ If you don't agree with this, begin to look for another job ASAPAny employer, industry, or sector that would mandate vaccines must be seen as one to be avoided. They are toxic bullies, and unsafe employers. Once they implement these kinds of mandates there is no stopping what other kinds of harmful and unsafe actions they will take toward workers. 

➤ If you work in an industry that vaccines are being mandated in, such as Long-term care and Assisted Living, consider making a career change if you don't agree with this, or determine if you can live with the employers' requirements for not getting the vaccine. Ie. wearing a mask, or other PPE while on shift. 

➤ If you are experiencing serious mental or physical health issues regarding the stress and anxiety related to your employer's demands and forced vaccinations, consider going on a medical (stress) leave and speak with your doctor about this if you have Short-term disability benefits and request they to complete the required paperwork. 

➤ Apply for EI Sickness Benefits. Speak with your doctor about this and request they complete the required medical EI form. 

Link: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.html

Apply here & find out what documents you need: 

Link: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness/apply.html

➤ Joint Occupational Health and Safety committee: Bring the issue of mandatory vaccination and Adverse health reactions/injuries forward to your JOHS committee at work. Request they send out a communication to ALL workers in the organization so workers are informed about:

1. What to do if they cannot get the vaccines due to specific health and safety issues and what accommodations the employer has set up to manage these situations. 

2. How and where to report vaccine-related Adverse health reactions and injuries to the employer. 

3. The names and contact information of worker representatives on the JOHS committee and shop stewards that workers can speak with about vaccines and vaccine-related Adverse health reactions and injuries. 

4. How to report vaccine-related Adverse health reactions and injuries to your WCB as workplace injuries and disabilities. 

5. The best ways to document Adverse health reactions injuries for injury reports and WCB claims. 

➤ Consider letting your employer terminate your employment for exercising your LEGAL right to Informed Consent by delaying, or not getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Seek legal consultation whether you would be able to sue for Termination Without Cause, or other reasons. You may also be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) if you are terminated for this reason. 

Links to Legal Notice of Liabilities 

➤ Consider issuing a Notice of Liability (NOL) to your employer for forcing experimental vaccines on you as a condition of employment. 

Take Action Canada: https://takeactioncanada.ca/know-your-vaccine-rights-get-letters-of-informed-consent/ 

Action4Canada: https://action4canada.com/employee-vaccine-notice-of-liability/

Informed Consent questions you should ask your employer BEFORE you get a COVID-19 vaccine

■ The article below contains a series of questions that workers can send to their employers to ensure that they are fully aware of how employers will handle the situation if workers get the vaccines that their employers are requesting, or requiring they get. Put these into an email and keep copies of all responses and engagement with the employer at home. 

■ If you experience a vaccine injury, or serious Adverse Health reactions and cannot work, are temporarily, or  permanently disabled, or die, you need to know what financial and other support will be there from your employer BEFORE you get the vaccine. If you have dependents, you also need to know what would happen to them if you were no longer there to support them financially. 

Video: Your Rights to Decline a Vaccine in the Context of Employment (with Rocco Galati, Constitutional rights lawyer)

Constitutional Rights Centre. Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHbMMf2c6KI

Extended Health Insurance Coverage Consultation

■ BEFORE you get a COVID-19 vaccine, call and speak with (and record the conversation) a representative for your Extended Health, and/or Private Insurance policy and plan to determine the following:

  • Will Short-term or Long-term disability coverage be provided if I experience a work-related COVID-19 vaccine injury?

  • Will life insurance be paid out to my loved ones/estate if I were to die from complications related to the COVID-19 vaccine injury/Adverse Health reactions?

  • Is there anything else I need to know about how my/my employer's specific extended health and insurance policy works regarding COVID-19 vaccines?

Documentation of Employment Matters Related to Vaccines

■ If you were going to have to take legal action, or file a grievance, or WCB claim related to work-related Adverse health reaction/injuries from vaccines, you will need medical and other documentation to support your case/claim. 

■ If you do a legal consultation, make sure to ask what documents you should collect and store if they were going to be needed in the future. 

■ Document and get everything in writing regarding mandatory vaccines, or employer's policies on vaccines, especially if they are mandating them. 

■ Save all employer emails, memos and communications about vaccine policies at home. 

■ Ask questions via email and keep copies at home in a secure place. 

■ Keep copies of all medical exemption and accommodation paperwork and Adverse health reaction/injury medical documents at home in a secure place. 

■ Collect employer employment policies and employment hiring letters and other documentation at home in a secure place.  

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#workerrights #occupationalhealth #occupationalsafety #OHS #occupationalhealthandsafety #workerscompensation #workerscompisaright #employmentlaw #employmentrights #Canada #cdnpoli #Elxn44 #WorkersCompensationInquiry

COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, September 6, 2021

Author: Tracey Young. (September 6, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, September 6, 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/09/covid-19-vaccines-adverse-health.html.

This article presents the following: 

■ Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health reaction (AHR) statistics

■ Elevated and Disproportionate Adverse Health Reactions for Canadian Girls and Women Post-COVID-19 Vaccine

■ United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ US VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ Link to Advocacy article: Informed Consent Questions for COVID-19 Vaccines for Personal Health and Employment


Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction Statistics Update, to Aug. 27th, 2021

▶️14,101 Adverse Health reactions (AHR's)

▶️3,768 Serious; 10,333 Non-serious AHR's

▶️184 Deaths; 81 cases of Blood clots

▶️2,656 Special Interest AHR’s; 681 cases of Myocarditis/Pericarditis

▶️70%⬆️ in #COVID19 cases (1,050,469) vaccines started #Canada

Source: Government of Canada. Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada, up to Aug. 27, 2021. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/


Elevated and Disproportionate Adverse Health Reactions for Canadian Girls and Women Post-COVID-19 Vaccine

Figure 3. # of Adverse Event Reports by Age and Sexup to and including August 27, 2021 (n=14,101)

➤ “The majority of adverse event reports were from females (75.1%) and the rate of reports for females was 34.5 per 100,000 doses administered, compared to 11.9 per 100,000 doses administered for males.”

➤ The higher proportion and rate of females reporting adverse events has been observed in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries.

➤ The rate of reported adverse events was highest among the 80+ year age group (33.7 reports per 100,000 doses administered).

➤ Those in the 40 to 49 year age group (32.9 reports per 100,000 doses administered)."

▶️ Ages 18-29: Total AHR: 1,431; Females: 68% (975); Males: 30.7% (439)

▶️ Ages 30-39: Total AHR: 1,987; Females: 80% (1,587); Males: 18.% (371)

▶️ Ages 40-49: Total AHR: 2,424; Females: 81.3% (1,971); Males: 17.4% (424)

▶️ Ages 50-59: Total AHR: 2,588; Females: 76.3% (1,975); Males: 22% (576)

▶️ Ages 60-69: Total AHR: 2,258; Females: 70% (1,579); Males: 27.7% (626) 

▶️ Ages 70-79: Total AHR: 1,474; Females: 68% (1,003); Males: 30.5% (450) 

▶️ Ages 80+: Total AHR: 1,043; Females: 74.5% (777); Males: 24% (250) 

Figure 3. Text Description

Source: Government of Canada. (Sept. 3, 2021). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology update. Retrieved from: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html.


United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card Reports for AstraZeneca; Pfizer; Moderna; Unspecified (Up to August 18, 2021)



▶️TOTAL REPORTS: 351,404


Source: Government of the United Kingdom (UK). (2021). Coronavirus vaccine – weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting. Retrieved from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting.


United States (US) VAERS COVID-19 Adverse Health Reactions, 650,075 ReportsThrough August 27, 2021

▶️13,911 Deaths; 18,098 Disabled

▶️56,912 Hospitalizations

▶️26,655 Severe Allergic reactions

▶️6,217 Heart attacks; 2,870 Blood clots

▶️1,709 Miscarriages

▶️5,222 Myocarditis/Pericarditis; 4,832 Bell’s Palsy

Source: Open VAERS. (2021). VAERS COVID Vaccine Data. Retrieved from: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data.


Learn more about Informed Consent

If you want to learn more about how to exercise Informed Consent, visit this article:   

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


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