Saturday, April 3, 2021

Canadian Adverse Health Events from COVID-19 Vaccines and COVID-19 Statistics – April 3 2021


Author: Tracey Young. (April 3, 2021). Canadian Adverse Health Events from COVID-19 Vaccines and COVID-19 Statistics – April 3, 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from:


COVID-19 Vaccines have been getting administered in Canada since December 2020. Around the world countries are reporting Adverse Health events, and deaths post-vaccine. 

The Canadian government has reported 26 deaths have occurred after COVID19 vaccines were administered in Canada. Upon further medical investigation and review, the Canadian government reported 14 deaths were not associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. They have also reported 12 of these deaths continue to be under investigation. Anecdotal reports of post-vaccine deaths are being reported across Canada. Official statistical data being reported in Canada does not appear to be capturing all of the post-vaccine AEFI's, or mortalities. 

In this article I will provide an overview of Canadian government statistical data and information about Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine injuries and reactions that have been associated with these vaccines up to March 26th, 2021. 

Figure 4. Most frequently reported adverse events up to and including March 26, 2021 (n=8,409)

Canada: COVID Vaccines: Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Statistical Data and Information

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety - Government of Canada

Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Statistical Data

Dates: From mid-December 2020 – March 26th, 2021

Note: Detailed AEFI Breakdowns can be found under Figure 4 (scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link).

⮚ COVD Vaccine Doses Administered in Canada: 4,800,931

  • Previous: Feb. 12th: 1,221,539; Feb. 19th: 1,402,139; Feb. 26th:1,778,405; March 5th: 2,255,174; March 12th: 2,830,164; March 19th: 3,729,312
⮚ 2,859 AEFI’s (.06% of all doses administered); 
  • Previous: Feb. 12th: 957; Feb. 19th: 1235; ; Feb. 26th:1591; March 5th: 1923; March 12th: 1922; ; March 19th: 2,530
⮚ 24 Deaths 
  • 13 reported to not be linked to vaccine; 11 are still under investigation
⮚ 384 Serious AEFI’s (.008% of all doses administered); 
  • Previous: Feb. 12th: 140; Feb. 19th: 167; Feb. 26th:194; ; March 5th: 214; March 12th: 287; March 19th: 320
⮚ 2,475 Non-serious AEFI’s (.05% of all doses administered); 
  • Previous: Feb. 12th: 817Feb. 19th:1068; Feb. 26th:1397; ; March 5th:1709; March 12th:1922; March 19th: 2,210
247 New Adverse events reported in the last week

⮚ # of reported adverse events was highest among females and those aged 18 to 49.

⮚ 59.6 reports per 100,000 doses administered (out of a total of 2,859 reports) up to and including March 26, 2021.

Definition of Serious AEFI:

An event is considered serious if it:

  • results in death
  • is life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)
  • requires in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization
  • results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or
  • results in a congenital anomaly/birth defect

Anaphylaxis: Among the 384 serious reports, the most frequently reported adverse event was anaphylaxis.

Special Note Regarding AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: There have been reports in Europe of blood clots associated with low levels of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) following vaccination with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. 

⮚ Following rare European reports of blood clots associated with low levels of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia), the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and the Chief Medical Officers of Health recently recommended that AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines should not be used in adults under age 55.

Source: Government of Canada. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Epidemiology Update. Retrieved from:

Canadian COVID-19 Statistics: April 3, 2021

➤ 2.6% of Canadians have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in 1+ year

️.1% Active cases in the Canadian population

 93% Recovered 

➤ 5% hospitalization rate

️ 3.7% + rate for 19+ million Canadians tested

️ .06% of Canadian population have been reported to die with COVID-19

 96% of those who have died with CV-19 were over 60 years old, with pre-existing health conditions that are associated with more severe cases

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.

#COVID19 #COVID19Canada #COVIDvaccines #COVID19vaccines #Canada #DutytoWarn #HealthPromotion #HealthPrevention #InformedConsent #cdnpoli #canpoli 

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