Friday, June 25, 2021

Conspiracy Exposed: Leaked Memorandum about the Great Reset Plan in the UK, June 2021


                    Source: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab (Nov. 2020). Time

Author: Tracey Young. (June 25, 2021). Conspiracy Exposed: Leaked Memorandum about the Great Reset Plan in the UK, June 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from:

Disclaimer: I am posting these "leaked documents" (and a video that reviews them) because I believe it is in the public interest to consider that it is possible there may be much more going on "behind the curtain" than what we all may understand. It is possible these documents may not be accurate because dis/misinformation campaigns are common. 


The Great Reset (GR), the global transformation plan that has been unfolding for many years had the fast forward button hit from 2019 onwards with the unleashing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has been reported to lead to the disease of COVID-19. Disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda campaigns and psy-ops have attempted to throw dirt up in the air to distract people about whether this is a real phenomenon.

In this brief article, I provide a leaked Memorandum from the United Kingdom (UK) which outline what appears to be a conspiracy involving many people about the unfolding plans to move the GR forward in the UK. I have also included a video which reviews the articles.

Content of the Leaked Articles

What are the documents: Memorandum - Imperial College

Date: June 14, 2021

Subject: Next Steps - Permanent Lockdown of the UK (Private and Confidential)

From: Neil Ferguson

Sent to: Numerous individuals involved in the executing these plans. 

Neil Ferguson: “Regarding our immunity from future prosecution, this depends upon both the Prime Minister ourselves retaining a good relationship and both his and other Government Ministers complying. He knows what leverage we have over him and therefore, as he is bound and guided by us first and foremost, we can get our way. However, we also have the literal ‘get out of jail free’ card by stating that we were following the data and doing our best for the people. So long as that line continues to be put out an believed, such as in the case of issuing Midazolam to the elderly, we should be just fine and will avoid any flack.

In closing, therefore, let's keep this up for the next few weeks and ensure that you were seen to be acting only in the best interests of the United Kingdom in fighting against the “virus”.

Some of the topics included in the leaked articles include:

Permanent lockdown of the UK from July 15, 2021 due to “... a spike in the new Indian and Nepal “variants” of “the virus” (which as we knows is just a rebranding of Hay Fever).

The plan to extend lockdowns permanently through propaganda and fear-mongering about new "variants" of SARS-CoV-2 ("Capital"; "Dorset"; and "Border" variants). 

Blaming civil civil rights, anti-lockdown, and football fans attending Euro 2021 cup for spread of "variants". 

Same fear and propaganda messaging to continue 🠊 Must Lockdown to Protect the National Health Service (NHS) from a "crash." 

Pharmaceutical companies will stop production of medicines for treatment of colds, hay fever, and flu by July 2021 🠊 Increase vaccination rates. These items will not be available for sale. 

Targeting and criminalization of civil rights and anti-lockdown activists in the UK. 

Issuing security bracelets that can monitor and track citizens using 5G technology.

How "profitable" the "virus" has been for those involved in the plan and "there is no limit to which we cannot further profit". 

➤ How "We can “model” increases in these ‘variants’” and associate them with: anti lock down protests; Euro 2021 football matches in England and Scotland; and where populations swell during summer months.

Video: Leaked Docs on Permanent Lockdown of UK in 3 weeks!

Aplanetruth. (June 22, 2021). Rumble. Retrieved from:

Leaked Memo Documents

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.

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