Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reactions by Age and Sex, August 10, 2021


Author: Tracey Young. (August 10, 2021). Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reactions by Age and Sex, August 10, 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/08/canadian-covid-19-vaccine-adverse.html.


The worlds of health, medicine, science and research have often taken a "One Size Fits All" (OSFA) approach to the development, use, and research into the positive, negative, and adverse health reactions people from diverse biological, demographic, ethno-cultural, physiological, and other backgrounds can experience  from new, experimental, and emerging bio-technology and medicines. This is a mistake. Human beings are complex biological, physiological micro-organisms. OSFA does not work. It is an antiquated, anachronistic, and colonialist paradigm that must end. 

Emerging COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics from the Canadian Government

The emerging statistical data from the Canadian government about the impacts and Adverse Health reactions (AHR) and injuries that girls and women in Canada are experiencing from the COVID-19 vaccines makes this need for change clear. The data and information coming from the government is showing that females are experiencing statistically significantly higher numbers and rates of AHR's in Canada. This is also being seen across all age groups. 

This cannot, and must not, be ignored any longer. Canadian girls and women are experiencing an alarmingly disproportionate rate of health issues after receiving these vaccines, which are still being studied for several years. The urgency of this issue is coming much more to the forefront because vaccine manufacturers' are beginning to apply for authorization to use their vaccines with younger children between the ages of six (6) to eleven (11) years of age in Canada. 

Public Incitement of Hate Toward the "Unvaccinated" in Canada

While all of these demographic-related AHR's are unfolding in Canada, the privileged, well paid "experts," the exploitative predator class, and their "faithful" owned Canadian media are getting louder. Not a day passes where they aren't shouting from the roof tops for medical segregation of the "unvaccinated." 

Editorials and Op-eds grace more and more mainstream media outlets using abusive, discriminatory, pejorative, and increasingly violent words to incite hatred toward the "unvaxxed." Many of these individuals are simply following the medical advice of their treating physicians to delay getting the vaccines until more is known about their safety and effectiveness with their particular health conditions, and overall. Many people have also not been able to access the vaccines for a variety of logistical reasons. Some of these include provincial government's own vaccine administration rules and access points. 

These callous, ruthless, and vicious voices are calling for mandatory vaccinations, a violation of the Nuremberg Code, in their zeal to forced experimental vaccines to be injected into women and racialized people who fill seniors care facilities, residences and hospitals providing care and support to our most vulnerable people -- which sometimes includes ourselves. 

These every day heroes who we used to bang pots for, working for months under terrible workplace conditions on the front lines of Canada's health care system, are now having their economic, job and health security and sovereignty threatened.  People are being fired if they won't get the experimental inoculation injected into their bodies. Those who do hold off, or follow their own treating health care professionals medical advice, are being mercilessly vilified by the privileged predator class and their bought and captured media on a daily basis. 

They want to end to Canadians' Mobility rights and Equality rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for those who cannot produce their papers, or their app showing they have had the required number of vaccinations, a number that is sure to change and increase with some of the vaccines demonstrating that immunity quickly drops in a matter of a few short months.

Fevered and maniacal calls for exclusion from participating in society for those who do not submit to getting the soon-to-be endless number of COVID-19 vaccines for their own individualized health needs and risks. For those who are simply doing what is legal in Canada -- exercising Informed Consent to use our autonomy and self-determination to make health care decisions for ourselves, to safeguard our own health, and to exercise health sovereignty and self-empowerment. 

Canadian Gaps in Research with Diverse Populations

There are also gaps in COVID-19 vaccine research, and reporting of AHR's that are being seen in diverse populations in Canada. It does not appear as though  provincial, or Canadian governments are even collecting race-based AHR data and information. You can't report, disclose it if you don't collect it is the mantra of the most incompetent and self-serving governments of all political stripes. 

The dose-effect relationship, "the relationship between the dose of harm-producing substances or factors and the severity of their effect on exposed organisms or matter, varies for many medications (OECD)."
  These include the following: 

 ■ Diverse ethno-cultural and racialized groups and First Nations people

 ■ People with a range of pre-existing, chronic, and underlying health conditions, including those with immune-suppressed health

 ■ Different age groups of the elderly. Age-related effects and dosing are key metrics to capture.

 ■ Gender-variant and Trans individuals, and those receiving hormone and other types of endocrine and reproductive-system impacting therapies

 ■ Individuals on different types of medications, or undergoing treatments for serious health conditions, such as cancer

These populations are all worthy of scientifically investigating to optimize any treatment benefits that might occur for the different classes of COVID-19 vaccines. We can't forget all of these vaccines were hastily brought to market under fast-tracked applications with only short-term research and data. Some of their clinical studies did not test their vaccines on a wide range of populations and had very small sample sizes for their clinical trials. The use of COVID-19 vaccines in Canada remains under Interim Authorization (IA) only, according to the Canadian government. Many more years of research and clinical trials will continue around the world.  

This article, points out the following: 

"A Statistics Canada COVID-19 vaccine willingness survey from March 26, 2021, reveals that black Canadians have the lowest willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine (56.6%), while Indigenous Canadians have the second-lowest (71.8%)."

Clearly, the predator class has not yet wrapped their heads around the ugly optics of the implicit colonialism, racism, and sexism of their mandatory vaccines and passports schemes and agendas. Since Indigenous, Black and other racialized people are no strangers to being used as non-consenting human experimental subjects by previous generations of predator class colonialists, is it any wonder many are taking a cautious, wait-and-see approach to these new COVID-19 vaccines, and the new bio and nano-technology some of them use.  

In the next sections of this article I present the following information: 

  • Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reactions by Age and Sex, to July 30, 2021
  • Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics Update, to July 30, 2021
  • Canadian COVID-19  Statistics Update, to August 10th 2021


Figure 3. # of Adverse Event Reports by Age and Sexup to and including July 30, 2021 (n=11,471)

Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reactions by Age and Sex Groups

Ages 12-17: Total Adverse Health reactions (AHR): 166; Females: 53.6% (89); Males: 44.6% (74)

 Ages 18-29: Total AHR: 1,104; Females: 72% (791); Males: 27% (299)

 Ages 30-39: Total AHR: 1,653; Females: 81% (1,343); Males: 17.6% (291)

 Ages 40-49: Total AHR: 2,022; Females: 82.5% (1,668); Males: 16.5% (333)

️ Ages 50-59: Total AHR: 2,032; Females: 77% (1,571); Males: 21% (433)

️ Ages 60-69: Total AHR: 1,759; Females: 70% (1,230); Males: 28.4% (499) 

Figure 3. Text Description. 


Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics Update, to July 30, 2021

Source: Government of Canada. (Aug. 6, 2021). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology update. Retrieved from: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html.


Figure 4. # of the Most Frequently Reported Adverse Events by All Vaccine Type up to and including July 30, 2021 (n=30,948)


Canadian COVID-19 Epidemiological Statistics to August 10, 2021

Source: Government of Canada. (Aug. 10, 2021). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology update. Retrieved from: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html.


Learn more about Informed Consent

If you want to learn more about how to exercise Informed Consent, visit this article:   

#MyBodyMyChoice: Women's Health & Personal Sovereignty

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#healthsovereignty #womenshealth #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #AdverseHealthEvents #Canada #cdnpoli #DutytoWarn #InformedConsent #NurembergCode #Bioethics #Ethics #Nuremberg2

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