Saturday, October 16, 2021

Canadian Whistleblower Campaign: Hidden Heroes – Call to Action for Journalists and Government Employees


The ‘Hidden Heroes’  Call for Whistle Blowers 


Who: Canadian citizens, media and government employees 

What: Share the following links to media and government employees about the Hidden Heroes   Call for Whistle Blowers campaign:

VideoOverview of Hidden Heroes - Call for Whistle Blowers campaign

Letters to Canadian journalists and Government Employees: 

Our promise of protection to you

If you’d prefer to send this information anonymously – here is a link to an anonymous email service. This cannot be tracked back to you.

If you would like to send your information but prefer your contact details to be kept off the record, you have my personal guarantee (Cris Vleck) that I will keep your personal info secret and safe. 

We will also commit to being a SAFETY NET. When the trials begin – and they will – we will be able to provide proof that shows you were trying to work within your organization to do the right thing.

All anonymous and off the record emails can be sent to

Final note

This letter is being shared far and wide across the country. There WILL be journalists who do the right thing and speak out. When the truth comes out will you be counted among those who stood in silence as your fellow citizens died – or will you be counted among those who helped stop the genocide? Your NDA is not applicable when it comes to covering up a crime. You no longer have an obligation to keep to the agreement of an NDA. Your decision is not about loyalty to your job or your organization. Your decision to act will be based on your loyalty to humanity.

We urge you to do the right thing. Learn more at


Your fellow Canadians.

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