Sunday, May 23, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Magnetic Phenomenon: Why are magnets sticking to injection sites?


Author: Tracey Young. (May 23, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Magnetic Phenomenon: Why are magnets sticking to injection sites? Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from:

Disclaimer and Summary: This article is presenting a scientific hypothesis and question as to whether a specific ingredient that may be included in COVID-19 vaccines, a lipid nanoparticle component called superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), is being used to deliver the mRNA spike protein into human cells via magnetofection to improve the efficiency of gene (mRNA) delivery. This will be discussed more below. I am continuing to research SPION's and will update this article when I find out more information. 


The online space is seeing a growing number of videos and testimonies of people who have received COVID-19 vaccines who are reporting magnets sticking to the site where they received the injection. Understandably, people are wondering what is going on. The "Fact Checkers," Orwellian bots and paid trolls are in over-drive trying to "fact check" and gaslight away that there is most definitely some sort of interesting clinical and scientific phenomenon going on. 

The #MagnetChallenge is now trending, with it's own hashtag. Threads are springing up all across social media with people sharing their videos of magnets sticking to their jab site. There are even compilation videos as this has captured the curiosity and interest of many -- both those who have been vaccinated, and those who haven't.  

Watch Videos

NEW Compilation Of Magnets Sticking To Vaccinated People's Arms: #MagnetChallenge + Covid19 Vaccine.

Does a vaccine make you magnetic?

WCPO9. (May 21, 2021). Youtube. Retrieved from:

Why are magnets sticking to COVID-19 vaccine sites?

A hypothetical possibility and answer could, or may lie in the science and technology that the new COVID-19 vaccines are using -- biotechnology to be more precise. To be even more exact -- lipid nanoparticles (LNP), a component of the vaccines that is used to take the mRNA spike protein for COVID-19 through the body and deliver it into our cells where it will produce an immune system response if/when we encounter the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is what leads to the illness, COVID-19

An article published in Methods in Molecular Biology (2014) provides a window into the world of bio- and nanotechnology that most of us have never heard of. Below I will use some brief excerpts from this study's abstract to outline what may be happening with the new COVID-19 vaccines, which use the most advanced bio and nanotechnology, and the experimental mRNA vaccines. These vaccines contain numerous chemicals and particles and a mixture of various substances, including nanoparticles to create the desired effect -- in this case, immunization against COVID-19. 

                                            Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (see reference)

What is a Nanoparticle?

It helps to start with a brief, concise definition. The Encyclopædia Britannica describes nanoparticles in the following ways below. 

"The manipulation and manufacture of materials and devices on the scale of atoms or small groups of atoms."

Nanoparticle, ultrafine unit with dimensions measured in nanometres (nm; 1 nm = 10−9 metre)

Nanoparticles exist in the natural world and are also created as a result of human activities. Because of their submicroscopic size, they have unique material characteristics, and manufactured nanoparticles may find practical applications in a variety of areas, including medicineengineering, catalysis, and environmental remediation.

The small size of nanoparticles is especially advantageous in medicine; nanoparticles can not only circulate widely throughout the body but also enter cells or be designed to bind to specific cells.

Magnetic nanoparticles have been used to replace radioactive technetium for tracking the spread of cancer along lymph nodes. The nanoparticles work by exploiting the change in contrast brought about by tiny particles of superparamagnetic iron oxide in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 

... the use of nanoparticles also presents significant challenges, particularly regarding impacts on human health. For example, little is known about the fate of nanoparticles that are introduced into the body or whether they have undesirable effects on the body (see below Health effects of nanoparticles). Extensive clinical trials are needed in order to fully address concerns about the safety and effectiveness of nanoparticles used in medicine. 

Methods in Molecular Biology Study (2014)Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine           


The efficiency of delivery of DNA vaccines is often relatively low compared to protein vaccines. The use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to deliver genes via magnetofection shows promise in improving the efficiency of gene delivery both in vitro and in vivo. In particular, the duration for gene transfection especially for in vitro application can be significantly reduced by magnetofection compared to the time required to achieve high gene transfection with standard protocols. 

SPIONs that have been rendered stable in physiological conditions can be used as both therapeutic and diagnostic agents due to their unique magnetic characteristics

Valuable features of iron oxide nanoparticles in bioapplications include a tight control over their size distribution, magnetic properties of these particles, and the ability to carry particular biomolecules to specific targets. The internalization and half-life of the particles within the body depend upon the method of synthesis. Numerous synthesis methods have been used to produce magnetic nanoparticles for bioapplications with different sizes and surface charges." 

                                        Source: Bryan Health, United States

COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients 

It's been interesting researching the ingredients for the COVID-19 vaccines. I have yet to locate an explicit mention of SPION's in them, but that does not necessarily mean they have not been used to help deliver the mRNA spike protein that is used to enter human cells to produce the immune system reaction to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The chart above is one of the best ingredient lists I have found. 

The following explanation simplifies how the lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology is used in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. 

"The core of the Pfizer vaccine is the mRNA molecule that encodes for the spike protein (more on this later). In order to get mRNA from injection into the cells of the body, it needs molecular escort. By itself, mRNA cannot freely cross our cell membranes. Lipid nanoparticle technology solves this problem by packaging mRNA — known as a transcript — into a complex vesicle of phospholipid molecules that are designed to fuse with our body’s own cell membranes" (Smith, 2020). 

Note: I am continuing to research and look for scientific references regarding whether the LNP's used in COVID-19 vaccines contain SPION's. I will update this article when I locate more information. 


This is just a brief overview of the bio and nanotechnology involved, and a scientific hypothesis and question about what may, or could, be happening to some people when they have received a COVID-19 vaccine. I don't know if people are being provided the ingredient list at the time they are receiving the injection, or if Informed Consent discussions are explicitly mentioning the use of nanotechnology, and the unknowns about how this technology works in the human body over time. 

From the proliferation of shocked, confused, and bemused videos, I think it's probably safe to say people who decided to get a COVID-19 vaccine may not have been aware of what some of the components were, or how they were going to work once they had them inside of them. Since all of the COVID-19 vaccines are still experimental for several years, hopefully this will be a particular scientific and clinical phenomenon that will be studied and followed closely to see how, or if there are health, or other impacts. As noted above, the scientific issue of whether SPION's have been used to facilitate mRNA delivery to human cells remains. 

Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization in Canada

In the meantime, you might want to do more research, and/or speak with a doctor if you have more questions, or concerns about how the COVID-19 vaccine is impacting you, or someone you care about. 

In Canada, all Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI's) must be reported through a medical professional (doctor). To find out more about Canada's AEFI reporting system, you can find the webpage here: 


Encyclopædia Britannica discusses some of the concerns and risks noted in the research, study, and use of nanoparticles and nanotechnology on health:

"Laboratory and clinical investigations of the effects of nanoparticles on health have been somewhat controversial and remain largely inconclusive

In humans, the health effects of typical exposure levels—those that are encountered by most persons during daily activities—remain unknown."

Additional Information about the Use of Microscopic Robots in Medicine and Health

I have included a couple of videos about the use of microscopic robots as this is a new and growing field of clinical, medical, and scientific research, particularly in the fields of health and medicine. Many of us may not be aware that we have already had these technologies used in medical procedures we have undergone, medications we have been prescribed, and vaccines we have taken. 

Informed Consent: Right to Information: It appears that many medical professionals who are prescribing, and using nanomedicine interventions with patients, may not be providing us with information, or disclosure about the proposed interventions using nanotechnology, or potential risks. Since these are all relatively new, and continue to be experimental, we are entitled to this information as part of our individualized risk-benefit analysis and decision-making process for participating in the proposed health interventions and measures suggested for us. 

This is an issue of bioethics that will likely become more pressing as time goes by since the rapid scaling up of things like lipid nanoparticles (LNP) is more in the spotlight than ever before due to the use of these substances in COVID-19 vaccines. See the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights for more information: 


March of the Microscopic Robots

Nature Video. (Aug. 26, 2020). Youtube. Retrieved from:

Nanorobots in the Body: The Future of Medicine

MEDICATradeFair. (March 20, 2015). Youtube. Retrieved from:


Nanoparticle Photo CreditEncyclopædia Britannica, Inc.; photographs:(microelectromechanical devices) Courtesy Sandia National Laboratories, SUMMiT™ Technologies; (quantum corral) courtesy IBM Research Center, unauthorized used not permitted; (red blood cells) Susumu Nishinaga/Science Source; (human hair) Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (dust mite) Andrew Syred/Science Source.

Al-Deen FN, Selomulya C, Ma C, Coppel RL. Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2014;1143:181-94. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0410-5_12. PMID: 24715289. Retrieved from: 

Dobson, P. et al. Nanoparticle. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.  Retrieved from:

Smith, J. (2020). Decoding Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients. Medium. Retrieved from:

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#nanotechnology #nanotech #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #COVIDvaccines #Canada #cdnpoli #healthprevention #healthpromotion #InformedConsent #DutytoWarn #vaccinesafety 

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