Tuesday, October 26, 2021

UK COVID-19 Deaths Within 28 and 60 Days by Vaccination Status: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated


Author: Tracey Young. (October 26, 2021). UK COVID-19 Deaths Within 28 and 60 Days by Vaccination Status: Vaccinated vs. UnvaccinatedCanadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/10/uk-covid-19-deaths-within-28-and-60.html.

Why we insist on consent… What Nuremberg Trial was saying is ‘Never Again’ will doctors be able to do what they did. So, we are preventing the abuse of medicine by insisting on consent. That was its function. It acted as a certain stop, or guard, against abuses of medicine.🙷

Professor David Archard, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University, Belfast. (2016). CUHK Centre for Bioethics. Youtube. Retrieved on October 26, 2021 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypvP0mf8EzU.


The United Kingdom is indisputably one of the world leaders in providing scientific information related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. They issue a number of reports which provide the most up-to-date and important clinical and statistics about what is being observed in those who have received COVID-19 vaccines in the UK. 

In this article, I present the following:

■ Table 4. COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate, by vaccination status between week 38 and week 41 2021 

The graph and statistics for COVID-19 deaths within 28 days by vaccination status between week 38 and week 41 2021 

The graph and statistics for COVID-19 deaths within 60 days by vaccination status between week 38 and week 41 2021 

■ United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card Reports for AstraZeneca; Pfizer; Moderna; Unspecified to October 13, 2021 

UK COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics for Deaths Within 28 Days


▶️ Total Deaths within 28 days of + COVID-19 test: 2,745

▶️ Unvaccinated: 502 (18.3%)

▶️ Vaccinated, 1 or 2 doses: 2,224 (81%) (pg. 15) 

UK COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics for Deaths Within 60 Days


▶️ Total Deaths within 60 days of + COVID-19 test: 3,461

▶️ Unvaccinated: 646 (18.7%)

▶️ Vaccinated, 1 or 2 doses: 2,789 (80.6%) (pg. 16)

Source: United Kingdom Government. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report: Week 42. UK Health Security Office. Retrieved on October 26, 2021 from: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf.

United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card Reports for AstraZeneca; Pfizer; Moderna; Unspecified to October 13, 2021

Source: Government of the United Kingdom (UK). (2021). Coronavirus vaccine – weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting. Retrieved from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting.

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#healthsovereignty #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #AdverseHealthEvents #Canada #cdnpoli #DutytoWarn #InformedConsent #NurembergCode #Bioethics #Ethics #Nuremberg2 #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere

Sunday, October 24, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccines: Components and Videos Exploring What Might Be in COVID-19 Vaccines


Author: Tracey Young. (October 24, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccines: Components and Videos Exploring What Might Be in COVID-19 Vaccines 
Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/10/covid-19-vaccines-components-and-videos.html.

Disclaimer: COVID-19 vaccines contain a number of different ingredients that may, or may not be entirely known. There are a variety of variables that could impact the scientific analysis and findings of the vaccines that have been analyzed. 


COVID-19 vaccines started being administered in Canada in mid-December 2020. Since that time, there has been what can only be described as an unprecedented number of Adverse Health Reactions reported by the Canadian government on a weekly basis. 

It is quite evident, from a medical and scientific perspective, that Canadians are having a staggering range and number of reactions to the components and ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccines that have been administered in Canada. It is also clear that the provincial and federal systems for reporting Adverse Health reactions are failing to capture the accurate and true numbers of Canadians who are experiencing reactions to these vaccines.  

In this article, I present the following: 

■ Canada's list of ingredients to Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca

■ Videos that interview doctors and scientists who are scientifically analyzing, and reporting results of other analysis of different COVID-19 vaccines

■ Potential confounding variables in the scientific analysis of COVID-19 vaccines

■ A link to an article about the challenges and barriers that exist in reporting Adverse Health reactions to all vaccines in Canada

■ Canadian COVID-19 Adverse Health Reactions to October 8th, 2021 

■ An overview and link to a previous article I wrote, COVID-19 Vaccine Magnetic Phenomenon: Why are magnets sticking to injection sites? This article provides a brief introduction to Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP's) and their use in COVID-19 vaccines. 

Canadian Government's Page for Ingredients of COVID-19 Vaccines

The Canadian government and Public Health Agency of Canada have a webpage that outlines the Components and Ingredients that are contained in the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines. These go by the names: 

  • Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty

  • Moderna Spikevax

  • AstraZeneca Vaxzevria/COVISHIELD

PDF File link: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/documents/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/awareness-resources/components-covid-19-vaccines/components-covid-19-vaccines-eng.pdf

Source: Canadian government/Public Health Agency of Canada. Components of COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized by Health Canada. Retrieved on October 24, 2021 from: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/awareness-resources/components-covid-19-vaccines.html.

Videos: Scientific Analysis of Different COVID-19 Vaccines

Note: I can't embed the videos in this post, so the interested viewer will have to follow the links below. 

Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed.

Stew Peters Show. (Sept. 29, 2021). Rumble. Retrieved from: https://rumble.com/vn482j-dr.-carrie-madej-first-u.s.-lab-examines-vaccine-vials-horrific-findings-re.html.

Never Before Seen: Blood Doctor Reveals HORRIFIC Findings After Examining Vials.

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 4, 2021). Rumble. Retrieved from: https://rumble.com/vnbgal-never-before-seen-blood-doctor-reveals-horrific-findings-after-examining-vi.html.

Shocking Results for CoV Vaccine Ingredients & the Path of Destruction They Cause!

Dr. Robert Young. (Oct. 7, 2021). Rumble. Retrieved from: https://rumble.com/vnfije-shocking-results-for-cov-vaccine-ingredients-and-the-path-of-destruction-th.html.

Receipts! Patent Proves Vaxx is Obedience Training Platform – The Final Variant!

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 11, 2021). Red Voice Media. Retrieved from: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/receipts-patent-proves-vaxx-is-obedience-training-platform-the-final-variant/

  • Details: Karen Kingston brings receipts that PROVE the agenda for the shots is controlling behavior and forcing OBEDIENCE by injection.

Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 15, 2021). Red Voice MediaRetrieved from: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/jab-scientist-discovers-hatching-eggs-parasites-birthed-after-injection/

  • Details: Dr. Jane Ruby debriefs some of the scientific findings discovered by a Polish scientist who analyzed 5 different vials of a COVID-19 vaccine from one batch.

  • Ruby said that one doctor saw “eggs” that she said became “very active,” as he observed, “the head sprouting, and the legs sprouting, and they grew up over the course of four days.” She then said that whatever creature that sprouted out of the egg was “alive.”

  • Ruby continued by saying that one doctor referred to this being as a “creature because it seemed to be moving on its own.”

Patents, Receipts, Scientist Findings Expose Jab as Pure Evil!

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 15, 2021). Red Voice Media. Retrieved from: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/patents-receipts-scientist-findings-expose-jab-as-pure-evil-the-stew-peters-show-october-15-2021

  • Details: “Karen Kingston continues to blow HUGE HOLES in the “safe and effective” narrative surrounding the failed “vaccines”, which are looking more and more like an intentional global depopulation plan.”

  • Patents she reviews expose “medical devices” in the form of an injectable computing system in COVID-19 vaccines.

Shocking: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents.

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 20, 2021). Red Voice MediaRetrieved from: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/shocking-dr-carrie-madej-releases-first-look-at-pfizer-vial-contents

BioTech Analyst: Genetic Code Stolen, Changed with PCR Tests, Shots

Stew Peters Show. (Oct. 21, 2021). Rumble. Retrieved from: https://rumble.com/vo1py7-biotech-analyst-genetic-code-stolen-changed-with-pcr-tests-shots.html

Potential Confounding Variables in the Scientific Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccines

➤ mRNA and Nanotechnology in COVID-19 vaccines: mRNA vaccines are not a new technology. Vaccine manufacturers have been working for many years to bring these to market. However, this is the first time these particular formulations have been widely administered at a population and global level. 

  • Clearly, the lack of longer-term clinical trials and research leaves a lot of unknowns about how COVID-19 vaccine technologies work in the human body. 

  • An example of this is the clinical and scientific evidence that age-related and health condition impacts have been observed in relation to the lack of efficacy and longer-term immunity for certain populations, such as the elderly and immuno-suppressed people. 

➤ Quality Control Issues: There have been reports of serious quality control issues at the manufacturing sites for some of the vaccines. 

➤ Contamination: It is possible that vials, batches, and/or the laboratories where scientific analysis have occurred could have been contaminated in some way. 

➤ Chain of custody issues: When dealing with evidence, it is always possible for disruptions in the handling and custody chain related to materials intended for analysis. 

➤ Limitations and lack of knowledge: COVID-19 vaccines are using a combination of old, new, and unknown technologies, including the use of nanotechnology. The doctors and scientists who are analyzing these vaccines may have limitations in their lack of knowledge about certain components and technologies being used in them. In several videos, the doctors and scientists readily admit they are not sure what they are seeing in their analysis. 

➤ Scientific equipment and supplies: It is always possible that the equipment and supplies being used to analyze samples may be faulty, or not working optimally. 

➤ Lack of replication of scientific analysis: Currently, there appears to be a limited number of scientists and doctors who are analyzing the different COVID-19 vaccines, and reporting their results. When we look at some of the videos, it becomes quite clear why it takes enormous courage and strength of character to bring these bizarre and confounding clinical and scientific findings forward. There are also likely issues with being able to obtain batches of COVID-19 vaccine vials to analyze. 

Challenges and Barriers In Reporting Adverse Health Reactions in Canada

Summarizing the article issues presented in the article below, here are the barriers Canadians face in reporting Adverse Health reactions to all vaccines:

➤ The lack of leadership, will, and vision to create a robust AHR reporting system by health care leaders and politicians in Canada.

➤ Provincial governments' unwillingness to create an easier, time efficient, and more reasonable process for doctors and others who report AHR's.

➤ The complexity, length, and format of the AHR reporting forms and lack of standardization across Canadian provinces.

 "The dense form is ‘ridiculous,’ says veteran physician, who worries it harms data quality. The BC government defends the six-pager." 

➤ The ongoing refusal and lack of collection of race-based data to be able to identify race-related AHR's, and impacts of different vaccines on individuals and ethno-cultural communities. 

➤ A general lack of prioritization on building data, public health, and scientific integrity in Canada.

Dr. Bell: "It appears “hardly any government wants to get information because they’ve designed the information-gathering process to be completely inscrutable and unusable,” Bell said after reviewing the forms used in each Canadian province."

Source: MacLeod, A. (2021). It’s Too Hard to Report Adverse Vaccine Effects, Says Doctor. The Tyee. Retrieved on October 24, 2021 from: https://thetyee.ca/News/2021/05/11/Reporting-Adverse-Vaccine-Effects-Too-Hard-Says-Doctor/.

Canadian COVID-19 Adverse Health Reactions to October 8th, 2021 

Source: Government of Canada. Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada, up to Oct.15, 2021. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/.

Article: COVID-19 Vaccine Magnetic Phenomenon: Why are magnets sticking to injection sites?

In this article, I briefly review the following:

■ How a lipid nanoparticle component called, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), is being used to deliver the mRNA spike protein into human cells via magnetofection to improve the efficiency of gene (mRNA) delivery.

 Why are magnets sticking to COVID-19 vaccine sites?

■ What is a Nanoparticle?

 COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients 

 Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization in Canada

■ Additional Information about the Use of Microscopic Robots in Medicine and Health (videos and information)

Author: Tracey Young. (May 23, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Magnetic Phenomenon: Why are magnets sticking to injection sites? Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/05/covid-19-vaccine-magnetic-phenomenon.html.

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.

#nanotechnology #nanotech #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #COVIDvaccines #Canada #cdnpoli #healthprevention #healthpromotion #InformedConsent #DutytoWarn #vaccinesafety 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, European Union, UK & US, October 23, 2021


Author: Tracey Young. (October 23, 2021). COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Health Reactions Update: Canada, UK & US, October 23, 2021. Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. Retrieved from: https://canadianadvocacycentre.blogspot.com/2021/10/covid-19-vaccines-adverse-health.html.

This article presents the following: 

■ Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health reaction (AHR) statistics

■ European Union COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ US VAERS COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction statistics 

■ Link to Advocacy article: Informed Consent Questions for COVID-19 Vaccines for Personal Health and Employment

■ Canadian COVID-19 Epidemiological Statistics to October 22, 2021 


Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Health Reaction Statistics Update, to October 15th, 2021

▶️19,984 AH

▶️5,161 Serious;14,823 Non-serious AH

▶️196 deaths; 915 blood clot cases

▶️3,643 Special Interest AE’s; 956 myocarditis/pericarditis cases

▶️73%⬆️ in #COVID19 cases since vaccines started #Canada

Source: Government of Canada. Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada, up to Oct. 15, 2021. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/


European Union- EudraVigilance Adverse Health Reactions to October 9, 2021

▶️Total Deaths: 27,247

▶️Total Adverse Health reactions/injuries: 2,563,768

▶️Total Serious Injuries: 1,222,818; 47.7% of all reports

Source: European Medicines Agency. (2021). EudraVigilance European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports. 


United Kingdom (UK) Yellow Card Reports for AstraZeneca; Pfizer; Moderna; Unspecified to October 13, 2021

▶️Total Reactions for #COVID19vaccines: 1,236,485

▶️Total Fatal Outcomes: 1,715

▶️Total Reports: 375,493

▶️Miscarriages: 603; Testicular-related: 229

Source: Government of the United Kingdom (UK). (2021). Coronavirus vaccine – weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting. Retrieved from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting.


United States (US) VAERS COVID-19 Adverse Health Reactions, 818,042 ReportsThrough October 15, 2021

▶️17,128 Deaths; 26,199 Disabled

▶️83,412 Hospitalizations

▶️31,196 Severe Allergic reactions

▶️8,408 Heart attacks;3,875 Blood clots

▶️2,631 Miscarriages

▶️10,304 Myocarditis/Pericarditis;10,179 Bell’s Palsy

Source: Open VAERS. (2021). VAERS COVID Vaccine Data. Retrieved from: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data.


Learn more about Informed Consent

If you want to learn more about how to exercise Informed Consent, visit this article:   


Canadian COVID-19 Epidemiology to October 22, 2021

Source: Government of Canada. (Oct. 22, 2021). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Epidemiology update. Retrieved from: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html.

Copyright © 2021.Tracey Young/Canadian Advocacy Centre for Health, Safety and Justice. All Rights Reserved.


#healthsovereignty #COVID19 #COVID19vaccines #AdverseHealthEvents #Canada #cdnpoli #DutytoWarn #InformedConsent #NurembergCode #Bioethics #Ethics #Nuremberg2 #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Canadian Whistleblower Campaign: Hidden Heroes – Call to Action for Journalists and Government Employees


The ‘Hidden Heroes’  Call for Whistle Blowers 


Who: Canadian citizens, media and government employees 

What: Share the following links to media and government employees about the Hidden Heroes   Call for Whistle Blowers campaign:

VideoOverview of Hidden Heroes - Call for Whistle Blowers campaign

Letters to Canadian journalists and Government Employees: 

Our promise of protection to you

If you’d prefer to send this information anonymously – here is a link to an anonymous email service. This cannot be tracked back to you.


If you would like to send your information but prefer your contact details to be kept off the record, you have my personal guarantee (Cris Vleck) that I will keep your personal info secret and safe. 

We will also commit to being a SAFETY NET. When the trials begin – and they will – we will be able to provide proof that shows you were trying to work within your organization to do the right thing.

All anonymous and off the record emails can be sent to hiddenheroes@pm.me

Final note

This letter is being shared far and wide across the country. There WILL be journalists who do the right thing and speak out. When the truth comes out will you be counted among those who stood in silence as your fellow citizens died – or will you be counted among those who helped stop the genocide? Your NDA is not applicable when it comes to covering up a crime. You no longer have an obligation to keep to the agreement of an NDA. Your decision is not about loyalty to your job or your organization. Your decision to act will be based on your loyalty to humanity.

We urge you to do the right thing. Learn more at www.wonnation.ca/hiddenheroes


Your fellow Canadians.

  11 Types of Workplace Harassment (and How to Stop Them) Source: Case IQ. 11 Types of Workplace Harassment (and How to Stop Them). Retrieve...